Nicotine levels
Last Updated: December 13, 2024By

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You might love smoking cigars in your downtime to unwind. But like many smokers, you’ve probably wondered before: What is the nicotine level in cigars?

The answer depends on the cigar’s size and type. On average, cigars contain 100 to 200 milligrams of nicotine with larger ones reaching up to 400 milligrams.

Before you make cigar smoking a hobby, it’s good to know how much nicotine your body is absorbing with each smoke. Let’s dive deeper into the details.

Cigar strength scale

Are Cigars High in Nicotine? 

Yes, cigars are high in nicotine, especially compared to cigarettes. A typical cigarette has around 10 to 12 milligrams of nicotine. While a cigar can pack anywhere from 100 to 200 milligrams, r even more for larger ones. That’s like smoking multiple cigarettes at once.

But how you smoke matters. Unlike cigarettes, cigars are usually puffed slowly without deep inhaling. This means that even though cigars have more nicotine, your body might absorb less than it would from cigarettes. It’s all about the smoking style.

Understanding Cigar Strengths and Cigar Nicotine Levels

To get a better grasp on nicotine in cigars, let’s take a look at the cigar strength scale. This scale helps break down cigars based on both flavor intensity and cigar nicotine content: 

  • Light or Mild: These cigars are beginner-friendly, with lower nicotine percentage and a smoother, more subtle flavor.
  • Mild-Medium: A step up from light cigars, they offer more flavor without overwhelming your senses.
  • Medium: These cigars offer a balanced flavor profile with moderate cigar nicotine levels.
  • Medium-Full: A richer smoking experience with noticeable strength.
  • Strong or Full: Expect bold flavors and a cigar high nicotine hit for those seeking a powerful smoke.
Nicotine content of cigars

How Much Nicotine Do You Actually Absorb from a Cigar?

Now you know there’s a ton of nicotine in cigars. But that’s only half the puzzle. The other half is understanding how much of it your body absorbs. On average, cigar smokers take in between 1 to 4.5 milligrams of nicotine per cigar. 

So, what causes this range? Let’s break it down:

Factors Affecting Nicotine Absorption in Cigars

Cigar Size and Type

Bigger cigars like Robustos and Double Coronas pack more tobacco, meaning more nicotine. 

A Robusto is about 5 inches long with a ring gauge of 50. While a double corona can stretch up to 7.5 inches with a similar ring gauge. More tobacco means richer flavors and a stronger nicotine hit.

On the other hand, shape matters too. Torpedo-shaped cigars taper at one end, adjusting airflow for a cooler, smoother smoke. The thicker cigars with a larger ring gauge produce denser, more flavorful smoke. But they can also deliver more nicotine.

Type of Tobacco Used

Darker leaves usually mean more nicotine. Take Maduro wrappers, for example. They’re fermented longer, giving them a sweeter taste and often a stronger nicotine kick.

Cuban cigars have nicotine that’s bold and strong. Cuba’s unique soil and perfect growing weather boost the tobacco’s intensity.

Smoking Technique

Cigarette smokers typically inhale deeply. Meanwhile, cigar lovers usually hold the smoke in their mouths to enjoy the flavors before exhaling. This method lets you appreciate the taste without taking in as much nicotine.

Taking longer, slower puffs can increase nicotine absorption. While shorter puffs might keep it in check.

Nicotine Metabolism

Nicotine doesn’t affect everyone the same way. Your age, genetics, and overall health decide how fast your body absorbs and breaks Nicotine down.

Plus if you’re a regular smoker, your body can actually build a tolerance to nicotine in cigars. Over time, this means you might absorb less nicotine even if you’re smoking the same amount.

Environmental Factors

Where you smoke can change your entire cigar experience. If the air is humid, cigars burn more evenly, releasing nicotine at a steadier pace. A properly humidified cigar burns slower and cooler. This can potentially affect how much nicotine you take in.

Temperature also plays a role. In warmer settings, cigars may burn more quickly, producing richer smoke. On cooler days, they might burn slower.

How Long Does Nicotine Stay in your System?

Nicotine doesn’t stick around for long in your system. But how quickly it leaves depends on several factors. Your metabolism, how frequently you smoke, and your overall health all play a role. 

On average, nicotine has a half-life of around two hours, which means your body processes half of it in that time. However, nicotine traces can linger in your urine for up to three days after you’ve smoked a cigar. 

And if you’re a heavy smoker or use nicotine regularly? Well, it could take even longer for your body to fully clear it out. So, nicotine may not stick around forever but it’s still enough to have a long-term impact on your body!

Comparison between cigars and cigarettes

Are Cigars Better than Cigarettes?

Cigars and cigarettes may seem similar at a glance. In reality, they’re worlds apart. Especially for an experienced smoker. Cigars seem more sophisticated and high-end. Cigar smokers consider it a whole ritual. Meanwhile, cigarettes offer a quick nicotine fix. 

But in a nicotine battle between cigars vs. cigarettes, which one will come out on top? Let’s find out: 

What They’re Made Of

Cigarettes are filled with finely shredded tobacco leaves and a cocktail of additives like menthol, flavorings, and chemicals. These extras smooth out the harshness and keep cigarettes burning evenly for a fast, consistent puff.

Cigars are an entirely different game. They’re rolled with whole, aged tobacco leaves that undergo fermentation. This unlocks rich, natural flavors. Overall, cigars have no extra chemicals or artificial flavoring. Just pure tobacco crafted for slow enjoyment.

Differences in Size and Shape

Cigars are much larger than cigarettes. They contain anywhere from 1 to 20 grams of tobacco compared to less than 1 gram in a cigarette. 

This size difference means cigars last longer. You can enjoy a cigar anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours, while cigarettes are designed for quick consumption.

How Cigars and Cigarettes Deliver Nicotine

Cigarette Smokers inhale deeply into their lungs. This allows nicotine to enter the bloodstream quickly. The fast delivery creates a more immediate effect.

Most Cigar Smokers don’t inhale. They savor the smoke in their mouths before exhaling. Don’t get us wrong, cigars do pack more nicotine. They have around 100–200 milligrams compared to just 10–12 milligrams in a cigarette. The only difference is the smoking method which decreases nicotine absorption.

The result? Cigars offer a slower, more deliberate experience, while cigarettes provide a fast nicotine hit.

Social Significance

Cigarettes are often used for quick breaks and are sold in packs for convenience. In contrast, cigars are associated with leisure and special occasions

Cigar smokers treat them somewhat like a ritual. It starts with picking the right cigar. Then cutting it properly and lastly pairing it with a drink like whiskey or coffee.

A single large cigar can contain more than a half-ounce of tobacco — as much tobacco as an entire pack of cigarettes. Hence, Cigar smokers are at greater risk for oral cancers.

— Jennifer Robinson

Expert Recommendations: Choosing the Right Cigar

Choosing the right cigar can be exciting but also a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re new to cigars. With so many options out there, knowing what to look for can make all the difference. 

Here’s how to pick the perfect cigar for your taste and style.

1. Size and Shape

Cigars come in different sizes and shapes which affects the overall smoking experience. Some popular ones include:

  • Robustos are inches long with a ring gauge of 50. Balanced and easy to enjoy.
  • Toro is roughly 6 inches long and a bit thicker, with a ring gauge of 52. Perfect for a longer, richer smoke.
  • Churchill is bigger at 7 inches long with a 48 ring gauge. Great for when you want a longer smoking session.

2. Strength and Body

Cigars have different strengths from mild to full-bodied. If you’re new to smoking, start with something mild that’s smoother and less overpowering.

  • Mild Cigars: Low nicotine cigars that are best for beginners. Try Macanudo Café or Ashton Classic.
  • Medium Cigars: Balanced in flavor and strength. Oliva Serie G is a good pick.
  • Full-Bodied Cigars: For experienced smokers who love bold flavors. Check out the Padron 1964 Anniversary Series.

Strength determines the cigar nicotine levels as well. It’s important to know which strength suits you as higher cigar nicotine levels can lead to increased health risks.

3. Wrapper Type

The cigar’s wrapper has a huge impact on its flavor and nicotine content. Pick a wrapper that matches the flavors you enjoy. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Connecticut Wrapper: Mild and creamy.
  • Maduro Wrapper: Rich, chocolatey, and slightly sweet.
  • Habano Wrapper: Spicy and bold, usually in medium to full-bodied cigars.

4. Invest in Proper Storage

Invest in a high-quality cigar box or humidor that maintains the perfect humidity level (68%-74%). This keeps your cigars from drying out or becoming too moist. It also shields them from light, heat, and accidental damage.

Explore Mozsly’s premium cigar boxes and humidors for the perfect storage solution!

Choose a cigar


Cigars are more than your casual smoke. These sticks pack a serious nicotine punch. How much? The nicotine in cigars depends on the size, tobacco blend, and your smoking style. 

While you don’t need to inhale cigars deeply, they aren’t without risks. Moderation keeps the experience enjoyable without tipping into trouble.

Speaking of enjoyment, once you’ve found your perfect cigars, don’t forget proper storage! Head over to Mozsly for premium cigar boxes that’ll keep your collection ready for your next smoke session.

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